
Showing posts from January, 2008


today im gonna talk about humour well my views and all i can think about it As we see all around us guys and girls laughing and having a good time . has any1 tried to explain wat a humour is. wordweb says A message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter well all im doing here is explaining why am i not a humourous guy humour is 90 % exaggeration and rest situational well this is true atleast for veg humour so here comes the big question(at least its big for me) why im not a funny guy well i explain it like this this spontaneous exaggeration thing does not come naturally to me and i never tried to develop this skill so thats the end of a short post will be back soon with more definitions the ankur bajaj style till than tc

new year new resolution and already broken

ya tomorrow thoda late ho gaya par yes im back and now im back finally in bed with minus temperature around me and a trip to science city today will upload pics soon thoughts from my mobile "i never get angry with anyone only disappointed" "im selfish ...... in case of experience, everything i do i do it for me" i believe i hav to see a lot of wat we say this world and i dont mind seeing it as soon as possible novels r a great way to see whats going on in this world and how people work ya this business that im doing sitting in jalandhar is going not as great as i would hav expected it to go but sttill i cant complain as im not doing much for it well i had lots to write before i sat down to write and now i cant remember wat it was my birthday went as i would hav expected it with myself removing it from orkut i never expected many guys to send a msg or call and they did wat they were expected to do forgot it happens and the new year party was wat i expected it would

happy new year

here comes the new year wishing all my blog readers (which i hav a doubt that they exist or not) a very happy new year i wich to write a lot but i think i will go not come back later tom and write something cya guys later