
Showing posts from March 22, 2009

lots to tell

i have lost to tell to all you guys who are not reading me. the fest utkansh is coming to an end. well its a typical sad ending in my life . Utkansh didnt happen as it was supposed to happen or what i thought of utkansh at the end of my second year. ---------- Utkansh has come to an end and so has started my cold . im suffering from cold and am bedridden for two days.So where was i utkansh had so may shortcomings from the administrative side but the fest as such was brilliant .The Dr kumar vishvas maglomaniac his some old some new jokes his spontaneity and his simple poems .All in all he was too good. and infact i have got a pic of his with me. which i shot after waiting for an hour in the guest house where he was chatting with director over national and international issues. he lied a little bit played with the sentiments but have got style. An engineer who dropped from nit allahabad , now have a doctorate degree in hindi. The other kavi that came were also impressive but not much jun